Tag: SEO

Google Warns: Sites That Don't Work on Mobile Will Not Be Indexed featured image

Google Warns: Sites That Don’t Work on Mobile Will Not Be Indexed (Infographic)

July 4, 2024

Mobile search has been the trend for many years now. It was in 2016 when global mobile internet usage exceeded desktops for the first time. Google recognizes this development and...

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How to Get High-Quality Backlinks in 2024 featured image

How to Get High-Quality Backlinks in 2024

July 1, 2024

Getting high-quality backlinks remains crucial for boosting website authority and ranking. In fact, 79.7% of outsourcing SEO agencies consider backlinks a critical part of their digital marketing efforts. 


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Google Algorithm Updates in 2024: What You Need to Know featured image

Google Algorithm Updates in 2024: What You Need to Know

May 22, 2024

Google algorithm updates are essential for search engine optimization (SEO). Each update refines Google’s system of providing users with more accurate and helpful results. These updates address various aspects, such...

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Beyond Keywords: A Deep Dive into Google's SGE featured image

Beyond Keywords: A Deep Dive into Google’s SGE (Infographic)

May 10, 2024

Companies with dedicated resources to digital marketing understand the significance of keywords in driving their online presence. They recognize that these words or phrases are the backbone of their digital...

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Next-Level SEO: Mastering Topical Authority for SEO Success featured image

Next-Level SEO: Mastering Topical Authority for SEO Success (Infographic)

May 7, 2024

Back in the day, organic SEO was all about domain authority through backlinks. But things have changed. Google’s gotten smarter, and now they’re looking beyond just links—they’re also checking...

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Top SEO Trends to Embrace in 2024 featured image

Top SEO Trends to Embrace in 2024 (Infographic)

April 10, 2024

Adapting to change is one of the most crucial skills for a business. The year 2023 has seen a remarkable amount of SEO changes, and as we enter 2024, we...

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Google's March 2024 Core and Spam Targeting Update featured image

Google’s March 2024 Core and Spam Targeting Update

March 27, 2024

Google has always upheld its reputation for delivering relevant content and connecting users with high-quality websites. However, black-hat SEO practices still persist across the platform. To address these concerns, the...

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featured image: Introducing AEO: The Future of Search Engine Optimization

Introducing AEO: The Future of Search Engine Optimization

March 20, 2024

The rapid pace of technological advancements and continuous innovation has driven digital acceleration to unprecedented levels, forcing businesses from various industries to stay ahead of the curve. 

With today’s market dynamics,...

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Stats and Trends Defining Visual Marketing in 2024 featured image

Stats and Trends Defining Visual Marketing in 2024 (Infographic)

February 20, 2024

Humans are 90% influenced by visual stimuli and depend on visual cues for survival. Nearly half of the human brain is engaged in visual processing, and despite the existence of...

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Search Internet Data SEO Browsing Concept

AI Power in SEO: Cracking the Code to Search Success in 2024

February 9, 2024

The surge of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized how people interact with technology. From chatbots to personal assistants, AI has become integral to many people’s lives. 

Numerous studies and surveys indicate...

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