Category: Mobile SEO

Google Warns: Sites That Don't Work on Mobile Will Not Be Indexed featured image

Google Warns: Sites That Don’t Work on Mobile Will Not Be Indexed (Infographic)

July 4, 2024

Mobile search has been the trend for many years now. It was in 2016 when global mobile internet usage exceeded desktops for the first time. Google recognizes this development and...

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Next-Level SEO: Mastering Topical Authority for SEO Success featured image

Next-Level SEO: Mastering Topical Authority for SEO Success (Infographic)

May 7, 2024

Back in the day, organic SEO was all about domain authority through backlinks. But things have changed. Google’s gotten smarter, and now they’re looking beyond just links—they’re also checking...

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How Video SEO Will Influence Digital Marketing in 2024 featured image

How Video SEO Will Influence Digital Marketing in 2024

January 11, 2024

Video SEO remains the cornerstone of content marketing’s future. It offers distinct opportunities to disseminate information, share stories, and forge connections while deeply engaging with audiences. Amidst changing trends, consumers’...

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Voice Search Revolution: What's New on This Trend for 2024

Voice Search Revolution: What’s New on This Trend for 2024

December 11, 2023

It is no secret that technology is constantly evolving and advancing each year. Voice search stands as a prime example that showcases the rapid pace at which technology is progressing. 


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Not All Web Pages Should Be Indexed – The Benefits of Strategic Deindexing featured image

Not All Web Pages Should Be Indexed – The Benefits of Strategic Deindexing

December 8, 2023

As ranking for search engine top results pages becomes more competitive, website owners strive to ensure that Google indexes their web pages. In fact, most website owners and outsourcing...

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How AI Can Transform SEO Link Building? Featured Image

How AI Can Transform SEO Link Building? (Infographic)

November 5, 2023

In the rapidly changing digital marketing landscape, being visible online is of utmost importance. Businesses must know how to employ the right strategies to stay competitive. 

SEO Link Building is one...

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Understanding Google's Mobile-First Indexing and Best Practices featured image

Understanding Google’s Mobile-First Indexing and Best Practices (Infographic)

October 19, 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of online search, staying ahead of changes and trends is paramount for website owners and digital marketers. One significant shift that has taken place in recent...

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5G Technology Calls for Stronger Mobile SEO Strategy

5G Technology Calls for Stronger Mobile SEO Strategy (Infographic)

August 30, 2023

Digital marketing is a constantly evolving domain. It is highly reliant on consumer behaviors, technological advancements, and market trends. Businesses must adapt proactively to these changes to stay relevant and...

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White-Label SEO: A Strategic Approach to Scaling Marketing Services featured image

White-Label SEO: A Strategic Approach to Scaling Marketing Services (Infographic)

July 13, 2023

Most digital marketing companies initially focus on one area of expertise upon starting. Then eventually, they grow or expand. 

However, they often run into challenges when scaling up: where to find...

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Is SEO Thriving or Fading? Exploring SEO's Relevance Today featured image

Is SEO Thriving or Fading? Exploring SEO’s Relevance Today (Infographic)

July 7, 2023

Search engines are constantly evolving to improve users’ search experience, deliver high-quality content, and provide searchers with relevant information. However, these changes are also causing debates around the efficacy of...

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