Tag: Marketing Trends

Google Algorithm Updates in 2024: What You Need to Know featured image

Google Algorithm Updates in 2024: What You Need to Know

May 22, 2024

Google algorithm updates are essential for search engine optimization (SEO). Each update refines Google’s system of providing users with more accurate and helpful results. These updates address various aspects, such...

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Google's March 2024 Core and Spam Targeting Update featured image

Google’s March 2024 Core and Spam Targeting Update

March 27, 2024

Google has always upheld its reputation for delivering relevant content and connecting users with high-quality websites. However, black-hat SEO practices still persist across the platform. To address these concerns, the...

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2024 Vision: Emerging Trends in Web Design and Development featured image

2024 Vision: Emerging Trends in Web Design and Development

February 23, 2024

Websites play a vital role in business as they establish brand awareness and presence in the online world. Today, it is even more critical as more consumers now compare brands...

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Fuel Your Campaigns with the Latest Digital Marketing Trends of 2024 featured image

Fuel Your Campaigns with the Latest Digital Marketing Trends of 2024 (Infographic)

January 18, 2024

Digital marketing relies on current tech and industry trends, as well as relative consumer behavior, to be more effective. You need to be ahead of the curve and continually adapt...

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How Video SEO Will Influence Digital Marketing in 2024 featured image

How Video SEO Will Influence Digital Marketing in 2024

January 11, 2024

Video SEO remains the cornerstone of content marketing’s future. It offers distinct opportunities to disseminate information, share stories, and forge connections while deeply engaging with audiences. Amidst changing trends, consumers’...

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Digital Marketing Strategies to Leverage the Buying Power of Gen Z featured image

Digital Marketing Strategies to Leverage the Buying Power of Gen Z (Infographic)

December 20, 2023

Gen Z wields formidable buying power as a generation born into the digital age. Influenced by online trends and a desire for personalized interactions, Gen Z’s buying decisions hold the...

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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Bark Collars

2023 Holiday Marketing Trends You Should Know About

December 6, 2023

The holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year for both shoppers and businesses. During this time, many individuals actively seek gifts, prepare for gatherings, and participate...

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Learn from Big Brands on How to Boost Your Christmas Marketing Campaigns

Learn from Big Brands on How to Boost Your Christmas Marketing Campaigns

December 5, 2023

Consumers are eager to enjoy the holiday celebrations a few years after the COVID-19 pandemic and its restrictions. Customers are planning to shop for the year-end holidays, although with tighter...

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Video Marketing Trends to Incorporate into Your Marketing Plan featured image

Video Marketing Trends to Incorporate into Your Marketing Plan (Infographic)

December 1, 2023

Video marketing has emerged as a pivotal promotional tool for brands seeking to expand their reach, especially in today’s digital age. By exploring diverse video marketing trends, you...

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Foster Brand Connections with Podcasts Featured Image

Foster Brand Connections with Podcasts (Infographic)

September 21, 2023

Podcasting is slowly becoming a top digital marketing channel for brands. This is supported by the NP Digital data showing 92% of companies increasing their podcasting budget in 2023. 

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