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5 Secrets of Lead Generation in Social Media You Never Knew (Infographic)

Lead conversion, which is primarily what business owners should be aiming for, occurs 13% higher with social media marketing than the average digital marketing lead conversion rates. If you want to get the same or even better results – then learn these secrets of lead generation in Social Media as brought to you by Digital Marketing Philippines.

10 Reasons to Combine Search and Social (Infographic)

The integration of social media signals to search algorithms is changing how search engines are performing. Studies show at least 58% of consumers go to search engines to search for something online, while 40% would then seek further decision-making help through their friends or colleagues at social media. All-in-all, about 48% of consumers are using some forms of combining social media with search to help them in their purchasing decisions.

Comprehensive Look on How Social Selling Works

Many businesses have already adopted social media marketing strategies into their overall campaign. However, such activities are most particularly geared towards marketing and lead generation, and little about using social media techniques to actually close a sale. The following provides a comprehensive look into social selling and how business owners and sales teams can utilize this tool to create more revenues.

Boost Content Marketing Campaign Using the Power of Storytelling

Telling and hearing stories is a natural thing for people. This is the power of storytelling. It would definitely bring more favorable results for your overall digital marketing campaign if you can successfully weave the power of storytelling into your content marketing campaign. Grow your business and boost your digital marketing campaign now with storytelling.

How to Measure the Success of your Lead Generation Campaign

A good digital marketer does not operate based merely on hunches but on solid, reliable and accurate data. They rely on verified information to influence their decisions particularly in the next steps to take in their marketing campaigns. The same principles apply to lead generation, and digital marketers must rely on proper analytics to measure the success of their campaigns – and act according to what these metrics tell them.

10 Reasons to Diversify Your Digital Marketing Efforts (Infographic)

If you’re using only a couple, or worst, only one digital marketing channel to promote your brand, products or services, then you will definitely not get the marketing mileage and results you want. You may believe that you have found the right basket in the current digital marketing channel you are using since it generates a certain level of favorable results. However, it would be a poor business tactic to rely only on a single digital marketing channel – and the following reasons to diversify will explain why you should not do so.

10 Creative Ways to Improve Your Lead Generation Campaign (Infographic)

Your goal in digital marketing is to generate not only a considerable amount of website traffic, but the kind of targeted traffic that converts into leads. As an entrepreneur, generating high quality leads that have higher than normal chances of becoming regular paying customers could prove the ultimate success. Let Digital Marketing Philippines give your lead generation efforts a boost by sharing with you these creative but very effective ways of attracting high quality targeted traffic that converts.

8 Reasons Why You Should Think Long Term for Your SEO Campaign

While making short-term adjustments in your SEO campaign can also do well to some extent, focusing for the long term may prove an even more beneficial and financially rewarding strategy. It’s just logical – if you want your business to last, then think for the long term. That is why Digital Marketing Philippines is sharing this piece to explain to business owners and digital marketers that SEO is a continuous process. It would pay to think for the long term with regards to your SEO campaign – and the following 8 reasons are laid out for you as a starter.

How to Set-up an Effective Content Marketing Campaign for SMB

At the heart of an effective digital marketing program is content marketing. Good content should be at the core of every Internet marketing campaign and is one SMBs should be gunning for if they want to get the results they want from their efforts. In line with this, Digital Marketing Philippines shares the following guide to help SMBs kick-start their content marketing campaign – and reap the benefits they deserve.
