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Tips on How to Outsource Web Projects to the Philippines (Infographic)

The following describe specific steps that you need to take to successfully outsource your web projects to the Philippines and reap the rewards for your business

The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Web Projects to a 3rd Party Company

To help you decide if outsourcing web projects to a 3rd party provider is a wise decision or not, Digital Marketing Philippines presents the following guide that will give business owners an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing web projects.

Understanding the Basics of an SEO Campaign

Having a website for your business is the first step but it takes several more very important paces before you can get a very strong online presence. Search Engine Optimization or SEO paves the way to the top of these search results and is a very critical element to your online success. Using the sets of processes that comprise a comprehensive SEO campaign, your business can achieve a higher level of brand awareness and your website can receive its share of targeted visitors.

Why a Website is a Great Business Investment? (Infographic)

From a business perspective, existing customers and people wanting to know more about a particular business would likewise search for the company’s official website. It would really be a turn-off if these potential customers can’t find any decent website about your business, except maybe a few listings in online directories that wouldn’t say much about what you have to offer.

Understanding the Basics of Pay-per-click SEM Marketing Campaign

There are so many ways on how websites can attract targeted visitors, many of which will be discussed in full detail here at Digital Marketing Philippines. But for now, what will be discussed comprehensively in the next sections are the basics of a very effective Internet marketing campaign, Pay-per-Click Search Engine Marketing (SEM).

Why Use Pay-per-Click to Your Business? (Infographic)

If you are an Internet Marketer reading this post you probably are getting good results from free online advertising and other promotional methods. But if you are a serious entrepreneur then you are most likely aware of the principle of value for value. That is, if you want to get something, you must be willing to give something in return. Free promotional methods can bring good results but if you want great results for your business then you should seriously consider trying out paid online advertising methods such as pay-per-click or PPC marketing.

Why Use Search Engine Optimization to Your Business? (Infographic)

You’ve probably heard of search engine optimization or SEO before. You’ve probably read somewhere that it is good for business and that if will make your website easily found in search engines such as Google. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is actually a systematic process of making your site become more search engine friendly and relevant to a number of keywords that are related to your market. It’s a continuous process that if done properly can yield good amounts of benefits for your business. So why do we need to use this process for our business?

Why Advertise Your Business On Facebook? (Infographic)

It is hard to ignore the good reasons why a business should run an online marketing campaign, and one of the most powerful ways to do that is via social media marketing. And when social media is being talked about, you definitely cannot avoid to discuss about Facebook, because it is without a doubt the biggest social networking site on the Internet today.

Why SME’s Should Have A Digital Marketing Campaign? (Infographic)

Digital marketing campaigns have become important options with regards to reaching a wider audience. Going digital means going online and, as such, provides you with a flexible marketing potential. Since technology has quickly advanced during the last half of the century, strategies concerning marketing have also followed out, it provide both new as well as interesting ways in reaching wider audiences. One of these technological innovations is digital marketing. Such a campaign lets your business successfully reach more customers and increase sales volumes due to its versatile nature.
