Social media has indeed shifted the way individuals and businesses interact with one another. Gone are the days when enterprises relied exclusively on the text and static images to communicate, connect, and engage with their audience. They now use social media and other web platforms as well as video marketing to interact with their customers.

Why Is Video Marketing Important?
Video marketing uses moving visuals or videos to create engagement, raise brand awareness, and drive sales into a business. Videos are an excellent tool to grab an audience’s attention. It is much easier to consume than a lengthy paragraph. This electronic medium enables editors to provide information to their viewers in a pleasing and digestible format.
Furthermore, an efficient video marketing campaign is key to social media success. It is essential to promote moving visuals such as GIFs and Reels that are short enough to keep the viewers’ attention but long enough to make them want more.
GIFs and Reels are among the online video content that plays a vital role in the modern business marketing landscape. GIFs are image files that exhibit a series of images or soundless video clips in a continuous loop. Meanwhile, Reels are vertical, full-screen videos presenting up to 90 seconds long video clips.
Both online video contents enable businesses to attract, convert, and retain customers. But which should brands utilize more?
Reels and GIFs: Which performs best?
Over the past decade, animated images such as GIFs have gained popularity among web users, allowing them to express themselves and make their peers realize how funny or silly a joke is. Consequently, brands recognized the power of GIFs. If used correctly, brands could make their email, ads, social media feeds, and blog posts even more interesting.
However, the situation has changed. GIFs’ popularity has fallen rapidly in the previous years, with younger users describing GIFs as “cringe” and “for boomers.” These animated videos are even being replaced by emojis, selfie stickers, and Reels, among other communication trends by the younger generation.
Reel videos have continued to gain momentum in the digital world and the modern business landscape – generally taking over GIFs in terms of popularity and use. These video contents are a new feature on Instagram that allows users to easily create video content with music, text overlays, stickers, and other visual effects and share it not only on their Instagram stories but also on their feeds.
Reel videos are great tools that brands can use to grow their clientele base and generate sales. They have an edge over regular Instagram stories as they appear on the feed just like posts and get more views than stories – particularly if they manage to get featured on the explore page.
Currently, Reels are favored by the Instagram algorithm and have a dedicated section in the app to cater to users who enjoy such content. Brands can leverage Reels by creating content to provide their target audience with information that can address their concerns and educate their customers about their offered products or services.
Wrap Up
Social media will remain a prominent platform for brands to interact with their target market. And utilizing the right features for social media marketing is imperative for successful brand awareness.
GIFs have become ingrained in the fabric of the internet that they are considered a valuable marketing tool and core component of web culture. But with the latest communication trends among social media users, Reels are seen to be the top moving visual content that brands can utilize in their digital marketing approach.
Implementing the right video marketing strategies is imperative for a successful social media marketing campaign. Brands can outsource social media marketing to achieve favorable results in their campaign.
Digital Marketing Philippines is a social media management agency in the Philippines that help businesses develop a successful social media marketing strategy.
Jomer B. Gregorio is a well-rounded expert when it comes digital marketing. Jomer is also known as a semantic SEO evangelist and practitioner. Check out our Digital Marketing Services today and let us help you in achieving positive and profitable results for your business.